Monday, September 6, 2010

A Fresh Start

I love the rain. Today, as I watch the droplets hit my window and roll down, I am reminded of a couple of things. First off, I realize that God is like the rain. When the land is parched and needs water and renewing, it calls out. The rain is like God because it fills the land with the water it needs to live, it also washes away impurities the ground may have developed.

When I was baptized a couple months back, it decided to pour outside. My parents didn't understand why I was so happy about the rain. After my baptism I took my friends and we went and danced in the rain. To me the rain also symbolizes God's forgiveness. It pours down and cleans us. It was cool that it rained on my baptism because not only do the waters of baptism symbolize, but, to me, so does the rain. It was such a cool gift from God.

On a different note, school starts tomorrow and I can't say that I'm too excited. I'm actually quite nervous. I'm starting high school tomorrow and I've been informed many times that "high school is when it really counts to do well". I'm a perfectionist, plain and simple. If I don't do well, I beat myself up about it for ages. So you can probably imagine that I'm feeling a little stressed. I'm sure some of you feel the same way. Well, I'm also worried that I'm going to grow away from God during the school year or that he'll leave me because I get too busy. A verse that it is really helping me right now is Hebrews 13:8, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Why is that so helpful to me? It reminded me that He won't leave me. Ever! He has held me up today. He will hold me up tomorrow. He's not planning on putting me down anytime soon. I just need to continue seeking HIM! Write that verse on your hand. Tape it to your locker. But most importantly, tattoo it on your heart. Don't let it get away.

